Donald Trump supporters are hard to come by in Chicago. The president won just 12 percent of the vote here in 2016 — and according to the Federal Election Commission, only one Chicagoan has contributed the $2,800 max to more than one of his reelection funds. That guy is Edward McCann, a 48-year-old HR exec at the agricultural commodities trader ED&F Man. He’s not a flashy political figure, but he is a reliable Republican donor. In 2012, he delivered a total of $8,150 to various funds for future Trump nemesis Mitt Romney’s presidential bid. Last election, the Donald was not his first choice. He kicked off his giving in that race by funneling $500 to the campaign of former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina. Once Trump won the nomination, McCann contributed $1,259 to him. This time, he has gone all in, bestowing a total of $5,600 between two Trump funds. McCann didn’t respond to requests for comment, so we can only guess why this election season he’s Trump or bust.