1 / 10 Restaurant Row star of the month: the New American love child of chef-newlyweds David and Anna Posey. Read more. 1350 W. Randolph St. WebsitePhoto: Alyssa Pointer/Chicago Tribune 2 / 10 Austin Baker (Bar Marta) rolls out Sichuan food and more kinds of booze than China has provinces. Browse photos of the West Loop bar. 905 W. Randolph St. WebsitePhoto: Neil Burger 3 / 10 The Publican and PQM get married and move to Wicker Park. 1576 N. Milwaukee Ave. WebsitePhoto: Derek Richmond 4 / 10 Where rutabagas and turnips outsell baby lamb chops and wagyu beef. Also, check out their spiced cider and bourbon popsicle at What Penny Eats. 802 W. Randolph St., 312-265-1745 WebsitePhoto: Jeff Marini 5 / 10 Proof that denizens of the Hog Butcher for the World will wait in line for healthy food. 1 W. Erie St. WebsitePhoto: Courtesy of True Food Kitchen 6 / 10 Trending: buttermilk biscuit, tartare, wedge salad, burger, pork belly. All with global twists. 3056 N. Lincoln Ave. WebsitePhoto: Matthew Meschede 7 / 10 A modern take on Indian cuisine from an Italian American. Gotta love Chicago. 5842 N. Broadway WebsitePhoto: Courtesy of Mango Pickle 8 / 10 Finally! An old-school 24/7 diner in River North. 334 W. Chicago Ave. WebsitePhoto: Courtesy of Griddle 24 9 / 10 This sexy suburban breakout mixes Mexican with Asian, French, and Med. 3566 Milwaukee Ave., Northbrook WebsitePhoto: Pioneer Press/Chicago Tribune 10 / 10 A new hotel restaurant that gives Wicker Parkers what they want: avocado toast and grilled octopus. 2018 W. North Ave. WebsitePhoto: Michael Tercha/Chicago Tribune The 10 Hottest Restaurants in Chicago Right Now Chicago’s most buzzed-about restaurants in February February 1, 2017, 11:13 am