The heyday of Chicago architecture is back. Eager to cheer it on, Chicago magazine has selected ten masterpieces that illustrate why we are, once again, a global epicenter of architecture. As a companion project, Chicago commissioned a survey from the local chapter of the American Institute of Architects (for results, see What the Pros Said).
Collectively, these ten buildings provide a glimpse of the “Chicago effect,” or the creative power long in residence here. And they exhibit a need-a moral conviction, even-that form ever follows function and that the best architecture is that which draws the straightest line (or the cleanest curve) between what a building does and how it looks.
What do you think? Pick-and pan-recent additions to our skyline. Results will appear in a future issue of the magazine.
THE LIST >>Call them the best of the 21st century if you’d like. These innovative new buildings illustrate Chicago’s enduring power to attract great design.
WHAT THE PROS SAID >>To find out which modern buildings rank highest in the design community, Chicago surveyed the local chapter of the American Institute of Architects. Here is what they said. THE CHICAGO EFFECT >>Boundless innovators, entrepreneurial clients, and burly politicians: Yes, it’s possible to go from lackluster to laudable in less than a decade. Find out how we picked our top ten. |
How the next generation of architects can lead the way WHAT DO YOU THINK? >>Pick—and pan—recent additions to our skyline. Results will appear in a future issue of the magazine. |
Photography: Nathan Kirkman