Ermilo Barrera Jr.
Breast cancer and surgery. NorthShore Glenbrook Hospital, Glenview. 847-570-1700
Gia M. Compagnoni
Breast cancer and surgery; breast disease; intraoperative radiation therapy. Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington. 847-381-8161
Mark V. Danielson
Breast surgery; minimally invasive surgery. Silver Cross Hospital, New Lenox. 815-725-2277
Daniel J. Douglas
Breast cancer and surgery; laparoscopic surgery. Amita Health Adventist Medical Center Hinsdale. 630-790-1700
Sara J. Fredrickson
Breast cancer and surgery. Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital, Winfield. 630-307-7799
Constantine V. Godellas
Breast cancer. Loyola Medicine. 888-584-7888
Nora Marie Hansen
Breast cancer risk assessment; sentinel node surgery; women at high risk of breast cancer. Northwestern Memorial Hospital. 312-936-2000
Nora Jaskowiak
Breast cancer and surgery. University of Chicago Medicine. 773-834-3524
Seema A. Khan
Breast cancer and surgery. Northwestern Memorial Hospital. 312-936-2000
Andrew J. Kramer
Breast surgery. Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital, Geneva. 630-208-7874
Lawrence M. Krause
Breast cancer and surgery. NorthShore Highland Park Hospital. 847-570-1700
Barbara L. Krueger
Breast surgery; breast cancer; intraoperative radiation; nipple-sparing mastectomy. Advocate Christ Medical Center, Oak Lawn. 708-346-4055
Amrit Mangat
Breast cancer and surgery. Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital, Winfield. 630-790-1700
Elizabeth M. Marcus
Breast cancer; breast disease. John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County. 312-864-2306
Michael Martirano Jr.
Breast surgery; cancer surgery; minimally invasive surgery. Edward Hospital, Naperville. 630-790-1700
Heidi Memmel
Breast cancer and surgery; CyberKnife sterotactic radiation; high-risk breast cancer genetic counseling; nipple-sparing surgery; oncoplastic breast surgery; sentinel lymph node biopsy; second-opinion cancer clinic. Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge. 847-723-3100
Louis C. Montana
Breast cancer and surgery; laparoscopic surgery. Edward Hospital, Naperville. 630-790-1700
Barry S. Rosen
Breast cancer and surgery; robotic surgery; BRCA mutations; cancer genetics; fibroadenoma; intraoperative radiation therapy. Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington. 847-381-8161
Michael F. Scheer
Vista Medical Center East, Waukegan. 847-244-3525
Kim R. Sobinsky
Breast disease and surgery. Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital. 312-695-5620
Paul N. Strohmayer
Breast surgery; robotic surgery. Advocate Condell Medical Center, Libertyville. 847-856-2525
Michael Warso
Breast cancer. UI Health. 312-355-4300
David J. Winchester
Breast cancer and surgery. NorthShore Evanston Hospital. 847-570-1700