A combination of City of Big Shoulders bluster and heart-on-sleeve emotionality has made White Sox Manager Ozzie Guillen and Mayor Richard Daley endlessly quotable on all manner of subjects. See if you can guess who said what.
ON ANIMAL CONTROL [click to reveal answers]
(A) “I didn’t see a neighbor run out and grab [a cougar killed in Roscoe Village] and say, ‘Oh, I love you’ and bring it in the house.”
Daley, on April 15, 2008, responding to protests after Chicago police shot and killed a cougar on the North Side.
(B) “I don’t let the cat run away, because when you put him back in the cage, it’s going to be hard.”
Guillen, on September 4, 2010, after telling Manny Ramirez to change a cutoff shirt he wore to batting practice.
ON GOING WITH THE FLOW [click to reveal answers]
(A) “We’re swimming right now against the current, and it keeps raining.”
Guillen, after a loss on September 15, 2010, to the Minnesota Twins dimmed hopes of a division title
(B) “I’m never swimming upstream. I think I’m swimming with the stream.”
Daley, in March 2010, after unveiling yet another package of gun control legislation.
ON PUBLIC OPINION [click to reveal answers]
(A) “I have face. And I am not afraid, and I care less what people think. I know my mind and my heart and my soul—they’re very clean—and I have my head over my shoulders.”
Guillen, on August 18, 2010, defending the decision not to re-sign designated hitter Jim Thome after the former Sox slugger hit a game-winning home run for the Twins the previous night.
(B) “I want not love, I want respect. No love, but only respect. That’s what you want. You want respect.”
Daley, on September 9, 2010, in a moment of introspection on his legacy.
ON MENTAL HEALTH [click to reveal answers]
(A) “I’ve said ‘cuckoo’ once. I’ll say it again: ‘cuckoo.’”
Daley, on January 23, 2009, regarding the former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich.
(B) “I’m the one that’s crazy in the clubhouse.”
Guillen, on June 25, 2010, discussing Cubs pitcher Carlos Zambrano’s infamous dugout tantrum during a game against the Sox.
ON DECISION MAKING [click to reveal answers]
(A) “There is no reason. It’s just how you feel.”
Daley, on September 8, 2010, explaining why he would not seek reelection.
(B) “Who’s it going to be? Let me talk to my vodka.”
Guillen, on September 16, 2010, concerning which minor-league pitcher he would substitute for the injured starter Freddy Garcia.
Photography: Phil Velasquez/Chicago Tribune