A relaxing bath or shower is one thing. Combining the two is a whole other level of indulgence. That’s what interior designer Renata Buenrostro of Evanston’s Morgante Wilson Architects did when she converted a North Shore client’s traditional bathroom into a spacious wet room, where you are free to float from tub to steam to rain shower with the ease of water flowing down a central drain. “It makes the room feel bigger and more modern,” Buenrostro says. Here are some takeaways.

1 BUILT-IN RADIANCE Hidden in the ceiling edges are LED strip lights that cast a warm glow, setting a relaxing tone.
2 OVERHEAD SPOUT A rain-shower head is embedded above. It can generate a mist or drizzle or douse nearly the entire room with a full-on burst.
3 FAUX TIMBER What looks like natural wood is actually porcelain for mois- ture resistance. It was chosen for its function and the beauty of its realistic-looking grain.
4 CLEAR BOUNDARY Glass walls were used to visually enlarge the tight space and because they don’t absorb steam, letting the room heat up.
5 SECURE SOAK The simple, shapely tub needed to sit on com- pletely level tile, unlike the rest of the floor, which was pitched slightly toward the room drain.