39 // Co-owner of Genuine Entertainment Chicago, an event marketing company, and The CV Group, a property finance firm *
From: Arlington Heights
Lives in: Gold Coast
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And catch up with some of our past singles in Where Are They Now?
Don’t mistake Anzalone for just another party boy. He’s actually Mr. Versatile: a former high-school jock and sports broadcaster, a film buff, and an aficionado of food and design.
Now you’re launching a restaurant? “I’m not the kind of guy who wants to do the same thing for the rest of my life. Ten years from now, I could be back focusing on finance. I could be working at a nonprofit.”
So you’re a jack-of-all-trades. “A lot of people who don’t know me just see this image of a shallow, drunken fool because I go to all these events, take pictures with people at bars, et cetera. But people who know me know there’s a lot more to me than that.”
On college: “People usually start drinking in college. But when I was at Indiana University, I didn’t drink alcohol at all. The truth is I had never done it before that. I didn’t drink in high school because of sports, and when I got to college, I just thought: I’ll keep it going. I didn’t start drinking until I was 23.”
On his refrigerator: “The only things in there are half a gallon of milk and one Diet Coke. But I love food. The term ‘foodie’ is overused. I don’t cook; I don’t have anything in my refrigerator. So how can you be a foodie if you don’t cook? Instead, I’m really good at ordering. I think I have an experienced palate, and I think I know what people like to eat.”
On movies: “I love to go to the movies. I see six to eight films a month, roughly two films a week, and I write reviews on my Facebook and Twitter pages. I’ll see anything and everything. I’ll see Oscar-winning films and romantic comedies—The King’s Speech and No Strings Attached—back to back. I love the storytelling aspect of movies. Also, I work a lot, there’s a lot going on, and I’m often in these very social settings where I’m surrounded by people and have to talk. But when I go to a movie, I can focus on one thing and be really quiet. I go by myself most of the time. There’s just something about having that solitary experience. Especially because no one wants to go as often as I do.” —N.I.
* interested in women * interested in men
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