There’s still time to start some heirloom tomato plants from seed—you can’t put the plants outside until the weather is reliably warm anyway, and that’s early June. If you’re a fan of the full flavor of heirlooms, which are to store-bought tomatoes what hand-made baked goods are to a Pop-Tart, you’ll find a good seed source in Hyde Park. At the Op Shop a gallery space and community co-op in an old Hollywood Video store, the General Economy Exquisite Exchange, is selling the seeds of meaty Cherokee Purples, savory Jaune Flammes, and about ten other varieties. They’re $2 for a packet of ten seeds. You can also swap seeds here. Too impatient to start them from seed? There are seedlings of a few varieties (mostly black cherry tomatoes remained as of a few days ago) ready to plunk into the ground when it warms up. They’re $5. While in the shop, you can also pick up compost for growing them in. It’s easy to find: there’s a heap of it in the middle of the store.