Best of Chicago: 2012
Right now, Chicago teems with a staggering array of superlative new things to eat, drink, and do. In fact, the competition for our best-of awards has never been tougher—a dog-eat-dog world, you might say. We searched the nooks and crannies to come up with this year’s list of the very best the city has to offer, 124 winners in all: amazing food, wonderful bars, super shops, culture finds, top-notch health and beauty services, great stuff for kids, and outstanding neighborhood businesses.

PLUS: We're looking for the best pooch in Chicago. Think it might be your lovable mutt? Submit a photo and tell us why before August 15. We’ll publish the winner’s mug in an upcoming issue.

Chicago magazine invites readers to attend our annual “Best of Chicago” event, celebrating all the businesses and people featured on our list. Join us on Wednesday, August 15th, at Venue One from 6 to 9 p.m. Limited tickets are available for purchase.
By Lynn Okura Bey, Carly Boers, Cassie Walker Burke, Marcia Froelke Coburn, Nina Kokotas Hahn, Noah Isackson, Geoffrey Johnson, Esther Kang, Rebecca Little, Mark Loehrke, Nora O’Donnell, Jan Parr, Penny Pollack, Seth Putnam, Jeff Ruby, Lena Singer, Catey Sullivan, Jennifer Tanaka, Kim Thornton and Lauren Viera