It seems it's baby animal season in Chicago, where zoos and the aquarium have seen more than ten births since the start of summer. Of course, the most important part of any new life is receiving the proper care from mom and the rest of the family, but being cooed over by adoring visitors is a close second.
Since May, about a dozen of these babies have joined the populations on public display at Brookfield Zoo, Lincoln Park Zoo, and Shedd Aquarium. Here are the chicks, calves, and cubs roaming the enclosures of Chicago on their (relatively, in some cases) little feet.
Sloth Bear Cubs at Brookfield Zoo
Photo: Jim Schulz/Chicago Zoological Society
"Mom, we're almost four months old. We can walk around the enclosure by ourselves."
Born: January 20, 2013
Species: Melursus ursinus
Gender: one male, one female
Although they were born in January, these sloth bear cubs spent three months in a maternity den with their mother, Hani, before their public debut in the Fragile Kingdom area on May 8. The first successful sloth bear births at Brookfield since they first appeared at the zoo in 1946, the male and female cubs will continue to ride through on their mother's back—a unique trait of the species among bears—until they reach about a third of her size.
Rockhopper Penguin at Shedd Aquarium

Photo: Shedd Aquarium/Brenna Hernandez
"I'm practicing for when I learn how to fly. Wait, what do you mean I won't ever fly?"
Born: June 2013
Species: Eudyptes chrysocome
Gender: Unknown
This little chick is doing well in the open nesting area near the aquarium's Polar Play Zone, where it lives with its parents. Just 75 grams at birth, the chick grew to 1,019 grams in its first month of life.
Trumpeter Swan Cygnets at Lincoln Park Zoo
Photo: Christopher Bijalba/Lincoln Park Zoo
"First one to the water wins!"
Born: June 5, 2013
Species: Cygnus buccinator
Gender: male and female
The six cygnets hatched in June were the first of the endangered species born at Lincoln Park Zoo since 2009. After four months of growing (to three times their birth size!) the hatchlings will join the 35 other swans the zoo has released into the wild during the last decade. That reintegration program has contributed to a surge in wild trumpeter swan populations across the the midwestern wetlands. For now, though, these little ones can be seen in the zoo's Hope B. McCormick swan pond.
Addax Calf at Brookfield Zoo

Photo: Jim Schulz/Chicago Zoological Society
"Yeah, I've been standing since I was like two hours old. No big deal."
Born: June 7, 2013
Species: Addax nasomaculatus
Gender: Male
Among the newest generation of this endangered antelope species, this male was born in early June to mom, Sara, and dad, Winston. A second calf was born on June 22, and two other females from the Brookfield Zoo herd are expecting this summer. All can be visited in their enclosure along the zoo's 31st Street path.
Giraffe at Brookfield Zoo

Photo: Jim Schulz/Chicago Zoological Society
"Mother, I love you, but you are embarrassing me in front of our guests. I can fix my hair later."
Born: June 21, 2013
Species: Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata
Gender: Male
Brookfield Zoo is no stranger to giraffe births—there have been 59 there so far—but this latest calf is no less exciting for it. At 5-foot-9-inches and 173 lbs, the calf stood shortly after birth and has since joined his mother, Jasiri, and the rest of the herd in Habitat Africa! The Savannah. His older half-brother, Dave, was born in November and can also be seen at the exhibit.