1 / 10
Vivian Maier: Self-Portraits, a book of unseen work by the North Shore nanny/street-photography phenom ($50; amazon.com)
Photo: Ratko Radojcic -
2 / 10
A print of Chicago landmarks by Chicago-born Daniel Clowes ($75 a pair; Museum of Contemporary Art, 220 E. Chicago Ave.)
Photo: Ratko Radojcic -
3 / 10
Map of building footprints in the Loop designed by Cartografika in Ukrainian Village ($65; cartografika.net).
Photo: Ratko Radojcic -
4 / 10
Linocut of the Long Lines Building in Manhattan by Pilsen resident JanTichy ($700 to$ 1,300 for a monthly subscription for 10 such works, each by a different Chicago artist; communitysupportedartchicago.com)
Photo: Ratko Radojcic -
5 / 10
Stray Light by David Hartt, a book of photos of Johnson Publishing’s old Michigan Avenue offices ($60; Museum ofContemporary Art).
Photo: Ratko Radojcic -
6 / 10
Little Known Facts by Evanston’s Christine Sneed, a sensitive novel of influence and affluence ($25; amazon.com)
Photo: Ratko Radojcic -
7 / 10
Raw Steppenwolf by West Town photographer Sandro, a collection of ensemble members’ portraits ($250; Steppenwolf Theatre, 1650 N. Halsted St.)
Photo: Ratko Radojcic -
8 / 10
Silk-screen of a lift bridge near Western Avenue by West Town–based Dan MacAdam ($50; crosshair.bigcartel.com)
Photo: Ratko Radojcic -
9 / 10
Otello by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, a live recording commemorating the 200th anniversary of Giuseppe Verdi’s birth ($20; cso.org)
Photo: Ratko Radojcic -
10 / 10
Handmade cigar box guitar by AxBox Guitars in Logan Square ($125 to $225; etsy.com)
Photo: Ratko Radojcic