32 // Anesthesiology resident at
Cook County Hospital *
From: Garrett, Indiana
Lives in: Wicker Park
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Yoder works in a trauma center, where nervous patients gaze into his striking baby blues—in between earning degrees in chemistry, history, and biology, he also modeled for a spell—before slipping into a doped slumber.
When is your gig the most satisfying? “I think it’s when the patients are done with surgery and they’re not complaining of pain. They’re just kind of loopy, they’re breathing—that’s a good thing! You wheel them into the recovery room, and they’re completely comfortable. And they’ve just undergone surgery.”
Major surgery. What’s the most stressful part? “It’s always the initial intubation, making sure you secure the airway. Anesthesia medications are so sophisticated that patients are very stable most of the time throughout surgery. But there are moments when things just start to tank, and it’s frightening.”
On his ideal guy: “A Jonas brother. I’m totally kidding. I just want someone who makes me laugh on a regular basis. I want someone to enjoy my life with. Someone who gets me mentally. Attraction is obviously a big thing, too, but it’s hard to find that combination that makes me totally happy. I have some great girlfriends, and if they would just have a sex change, it would be perfect.”
On modeling: “I was so uncomfortable with it. I don’t think I’m a real passive person, but I can be, in group situations or if the attention is focused on me. I just felt ridiculous doing it, but the opportunities that I had were amazing. I got to meet some really interesting people and photographers. We were young and stupid in New York. It made for a fun time.”
On traveling solo: “I really wanted to go to Thailand, and the trip over there was a little bizarre because the steward came up to me, and, well, he offered me cards of prostitutes. And I thought, ‘What did I get myself into?’ But it ended up not being like that at all. I felt very safe the whole time.” —N.O.
* interested in women * interested in men
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