Chicago is rich with possibilities for families, which is why we've devoted this story to providing a guide to the best stuff for kids, parents, and moms-to-be. Take along our field guide to birds and critters on your next hike. Read advice from Chicago's reigning baby-sleep specialist, Dr. Marc Weissbluth. Check out our taste test of birthday cakes from the city's top-tier bakeries. All this and more.
TOP TIERS >>Five local bakeries. Five amazing birthday cakes. We tasted them all—and lived to tell. The results
THE JUST-SAY-NO-TO-BOREDOM GUIDE TO THE CITY AND BEYOND >>Ideas for fun with kids, including: fishing, chess, juggling, paddling, hiking, and searching for Abe Lincoln
HOW TO BE GREENER >> With the care and tending of children come huge new responsibilities—and a mountain of stuff. Be greener with these ten tips, some for your kids and their health and some for the good of the earth.
THEN AND NOW >>Two takes on decorating—cozily traditional or clean and modern—for one happy baby |
THE SECRETS OF SLEEP >> Is your baby unable to fall asleep and stay asleep? Paging Dr. Marc Weissbluth…
HOW TO FIND A NANNY >>Hiring a full-time babysitter can be one of the most stressful experiences of early parenthood. Tips to ease the process
THE NEW NETWORK >>Other parents can be an important early source of support and information. Ten ways—some free—to get connected
DRESSING THE BELLY >> Stylish maternity wear for every taste and budget
Photograph: Katrina Wittkamp