Girls Rock!
San Francisco-based filmmakers Arne Johnson and Shane King shadow adolescent girls at a rock-‘n’-roll camp in Portland. Interviews, band practice, and artful animations culminate in a concert that, while ear-piercing, exposes an endearing journey of self-discovery. The Portland camp has since inspired a Chicago one (for info, girlsrockchicago.org). March 7th at the Music Box Theatre; girlsrockmovie.com
After he was given five years to live, Albany Park resident Ben Byer made this vulnerable video diary about the onset of the fatal neuro-degenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The footage of Byer and his family is raw and emotional, particularly his tender interactions with his young son, John. March 1st and 2nd at the Lake County Film Fest; indestructiblefilm.com
When a suicide attempt landed him in a Chicago hospital, Owen Lowery decided he had better things to do than die. In fact, he had 52 things—including use his film degree. So he made a movie about tackling his life list (#35: squirrel fishing in Grant Park)—a project that ultimately leads him to confront a dark childhood memory. March 1st and 2nd at the Lake County Film Fest; analternativetoslittingyourwrist.com
Photograph: Courtesy of Nicole Weingart