Clockwise from top left: Trouble Will Find Me by the National, Tiny Rebels by the Cairo Gang, mbv by My Bloody Valentine, and Random Access Memories by Daft Punk
Favorite Album of the Year So Far
1. Trouble Will Find Me, the National (4AD)
2. Acid Rap, Chance the Rapper (self-release)
3. Tiny Rebels, the Cairo Gang (Empty Cellar)
4. mbv, My Bloody Valentine (self-release)
5. Silence Yourself, Savages (Matador/Pop Noire)
6. Random Access Memories, Daft Punk (Columbia)
7. The Long and Short of It, Rob Clearfield Quintet (self-release)
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Favorite Local Label
Numero 4
HoZac 3
Drag City 3
Trouble in Mind 2
Peira 2
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Trends That Need to Die
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Frank Rosaly, jazz drummer/composer |
J. Alan Love, Arts Incubator, Washington Park |
Bare Mutants, garage-rock band |
Christen Thomas, promoter, Empty Bottle |
Supreme Cuts, electronic/rap duo |
Steve Reidell, the Hood Internet |
Twin Peaks, rock band |
Matt Rucins, promoter, Schubas |
Outside World, pop band |
Ryan Weinstein, the Cairo Gang |
Health & Beauty, psych-folk duo |
Dan Mohr, composer |
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Photo: Terrence Antonio James/Chicago Tribune
After the Green Mill, I go see jazz ____________.
“At the Constellation. It’s the best new venue in town.”
“In New York.”
“At the Hideout.”
“At SPACE in Evanston.”
“At Jazz Showcase.”
“At Jerry’s Sandwiches.”
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Thoughts on Chief Keef?

Photo: Johnny Nunez/Wireimage
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The Burlington
Animal Kingdom
Double Door
City Winery
Lincoln Hall
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Closing of Congress Theater: Sad Day or Good Riddance?
“The sound wasn’t great, and neither was the ambiance; however, the Congress would give unproven acts a place to perform. Its model will be missed.” Andrew Barber, Fake Shore Drive
RESPONDENTS: Jake Austen, Andrew Barber, Josh Berman, Bobby Burg, Mia Clarke, Pete Croke, Trevor de Brauw, Josh Ferguson, Adam Hirzel, J. Alan Love, Nick Mayor, Dan Mohr, Bob Nanna, Steve Reidell, Frank Rosaly, Matt Rucins, Rob Sevier, Christen Thomas, Matt Ulery, Jonathan Van Herik, Ryan Weinstein, Alex White (NOT EVERY RESPONDENT ANSWERED EVERY QUESTION)
More in Fall Previews:
Comedy: Nick Offerman | Art: Insiders’ Guide | Art: Michelle Grabner
Theatre: Insiders’ Guide | Theatre: David Cromer | Music: Insiders’ Guide
Music: Numero Group | Music: Top 10 Shows | Classics: Blue-Chip Artists