Royko in Love

Long before becoming an acclaimed newspaper columnist, Mike Royko was a young airman secretly in love with a beautiful gal from his Northwest Side neighborhood. From afar, “Mick” began to pour out his feelings in a torrent of letters that ultimately won her heart. Discovered after his death, they show glimmers of the wit and voice that would one day distinguish Royko’s prose—and a romantic streak buried beneath the wise-guy exterior

Obama’s spending spree

Barack Obama’s presidential campaign collected more cash than any other candidate in U.S. history—an eye-popping $742 million. It spent all but $30 million of it. But where did it all go? Here’s an accounting.


In February’s letters: dad’s view, swords, missing a job, O-verexposure, breakfast, and a would-be nonissue

February 2009 Table of Contents

Cover Story The Making of a First Lady by Carol Felsenthal She’s got the drive to do good and do well. Michelle Obama grew up in a close-knit South Side family, conquered the Ivy League, and finally got with Barack’s program. Next she stars as First Lady. Features Action Heroes by Robert Loerzel and Jeff … Read more