Potty-mouth Patti
A double standard for the First Lady?
A double standard for the First Lady?
No one can say for sure why murders and violent crimes are on the rise in Chicago. But some criminologists are questioning why the new police superintendent, Jody Weis, is moving away from proven community policing strategies.
March 2009: David Royko, Joe C. Moreno, Noah Isackson, Laura Caldwell, Brittney Blair
In March’s letters: property-tax premiums, psychotherapy, hindsight, and Barack Obama Boulevard
Long before becoming an acclaimed newspaper columnist, Mike Royko was a young airman secretly in love with a beautiful gal from his Northwest Side neighborhood. From afar, “Mick” began to pour out his feelings in a torrent of letters that ultimately won her heart. Discovered after his death, they show glimmers of the wit and voice that would one day distinguish Royko’s prose—and a romantic streak buried beneath the wise-guy exterior
People in Peoria still call him Kid Schock. The Illinois GOP calls him its great hope
Barack Obama’s presidential campaign collected more cash than any other candidate in U.S. history—an eye-popping $742 million. It spent all but $30 million of it. But where did it all go? Here’s an accounting.
February 2009: Carol Felsenthal, Robert Loerzel, Jeff Ruby, Shane Tritsch, Michael Camarra, Mara Tapp
In February’s letters: dad’s view, swords, missing a job, O-verexposure, breakfast, and a would-be nonissue
Cover Story The Making of a First Lady by Carol Felsenthal She’s got the drive to do good and do well. Michelle Obama grew up in a close-knit South Side family, conquered the Ivy League, and finally got with Barack’s program. Next she stars as First Lady. Features Action Heroes by Robert Loerzel and Jeff … Read more