Bright Knights

Introducing our seven Chicagoans of the Year for 2008: a concerned mom, a neighborhood activist, a pair of dance makers, an altruistic chef, a Bronzeville historian, and a soulful singer with a voice for the ages.

Inauguration Night: Cat’s Meow

Following an extended campaign season, two-plus months of lame-duck status, and one long day of celebrating, by Tuesday night, some supporters just wanted to toast Obama’s installation as No. 44 with a low-key victory drink. We caught up with local barflies at Cat’s Meow in Humboldt…

05.03.09 – A exclusive

This story appears exclusively on and not in the print magazine.

THE SCENARIO: It’s been a little more than 100 days since President Barack Obama moved into the White House. So far, he’s been tested by the worst economy in 65 years, two wars, and a thicket of other international and domestic crises. One Sunday in May, the phone rings once again at three in the morning.
(Warning: contains adult language)

The Inauguration of Barack Obama

+ The Ceremony >>Photos from the swearing-in ceremony + How’d You Score Those Tickets? >>A tip for the 2013 Inauguration: Fundraise for your candidate or befriend a congressional staffer. + Illinoisans at the Inauguration >> We chatted with some hometown folks at an event hosted by Senator Dick Durbin. + Before the Big Event >> … Read more

The Making of a First Lady

She’s confident and levelheaded, and she carries the nurturing legacy of a close-knit South Shore family, an experience she wanted to re-create in her own home. After years of resenting her husband’s political career, Michelle Obama found her voice and flashed her style on the road to the White House