Dangerous Therapy: The Story of Patricia Burgus and Multiple Personality Disorder

Pat Burgus thought she would soon be healed when psychiatrist Bennett Braun began treating her for multiple personality disorder. Instead, under hypnosis and on heavy medication, Burgus came to believe she possessed 300 personalities, ate human flesh, and sexually abused her two sons. Later, convinced Braun helped manufacture those memories, she sued. Now, even after receiving a $10.6-million settlement, she won’t let up in her crusade against the man whose treatment, she says, nearly destroyed her

Give It Up, Cub Fans

Chicago’s Cubs reigned as the world champions of baseball in 1908, but they’ve been waiting till next year ever since—a record of failure unmatched by any other pro team. Why is this beloved ball club so good at being bad? One tortured fan journeys to the heart of Cub darkness, looking for answers

Hatchet Man: The Rise of David Axelrod

David Axelrod  Gwendolen Cates The gray Ford Tempo sedan is rumbling along country roads between Des Moines and Knoxville, Iowa. It is a hot June morning, and the air conditioning in the Ford is jacked up high. Jeanne Simon, the wife of U.S. Senator Paul Simon, sits in the back seat, next to political consultant … Read more