Timothy Burkhart photographs landscapes. Stephanie Bassos takes portraits. Both use the same roll of film. The result? A revealing photo essay about Chicago’s vibrant neighborhoods.Photo: Stephanie Bassos & Timothy Burkhart

Chicago photographer Joshua Lott captures daily life in the city’s most diverse community.Photo: Joshua Lott

Chicago photographer Joshua Lott captures daily life in the city’s most diverse community.Photo: Joshua Lott

Our chief dining critic, Jeff Ruby, sat down with his three kids in an attempt to find Chicago’s finest birthday cake.PHOTO: DAVE RENTAUSKAS

In her new novel, Kathleen Rooney explores the life of a 1930s female copywriter.Photo: Clarissa Bonet

Laura Zeng, who will be competing in the Rio Olympics, combines athleticism and grace in a sport where few other Americans have excelled.PHOTO: KRISTIE KAHNS; HAIR AND MAKEUP: ANDREA C. SAMUELS/FACTOR ARTISTS

Chicago’s best breadPHOTO: COLIN BECKETT

Artist Jenny Kendler makes a plea to end poaching.Photo: Erika DuFour

You may not know the name, but Elena Delle Donne is the best female basketball player on the planet.PHOTO: SCOTT COUNCIL

The show’s creator and original lead, Lin-Manuel Miranda, shares insight on the role with his Chicago replacement, Miguel Cervantes (including when to take a breath).Photo: Miller Mobley

“Baptism”: Eli Lauger, 14, is baptized by Pastor Randall K. Blakey of the Lasalle Street ChurchPhoto: Alyssa Schukar

“Last Rites”: Father Brendan Gibson read Johanna Reilly, 88, her last rites nearly every Sunday between her stroke in May and her death on October 1.Photo: Alyssa Schukar

Jesse Ball, one of the most exciting experimental writers of our time, in a Bucktown studio he uses strictly for thinking about his projects.Photo: MATTHEW AVIGNONE

Five clever ways chefs and bartenders are giving this tea the green light (Pictured: green tea latte at Sawada Coffee)PHOTO: JEFF MARINI

In The Fifth, Philip Elson explores the world of whistleblowers, hacktivists, and digital crusaders.Photo: Clayton Hauck

Tamar Manasseh has a simple solution to the surging violence in Chicago: Sit outside and keep watch. Say hello. Interact with your neighbors.PHOTO: Jeff Sciortino

Silk dress, $5,900, leather sandals, $1,350, and brass and faux pearl choker, $190, all Salvatore Ferragamo, 645 N. Michigan Ave.PHOTO: KIRSTEN MICCOLI

Chef-partner Curtis Duffy and his laser-focused crew at Grace proved their creativity anew.Photo: Jeff Marini

Alaska king crabPHOTO: JEFF MARINI

A new play explores our insatiable morbid curiosity.PHOTO: DAVE RENTAUSKAS

It was the best restaurant in Chicago—and now it’s even better. (Pictured: Citrus Aroma fruit bowl)PHOTO: JEFF MARINI

The piece uses light and color to explore introversion and extroversion.PHOTO: ERIKA DUFOUR

Rashayla Marie Brown, a self-described “chameleon” and interdisciplinary artist, turns identity into art.PHOTO: LEONARD SURYAJAYA

Anselmo Ramirez’s can-do BYO may have the highest batting average of any restaurant in Chicago. (Pictured: Picaditas filled with poultry carnitas )PHOTO: JEFF MARINI