Liz Lauren
Philip R. Smith, Beth Lacke and Eddie Martinez in Lookingglass Theatre's Big Lake Big City.
"Saturday night, I’m seeing Big Lake Big City at Lookingglass. Written by Keith Huff (Mad Men, House of Cards, and A Steady Run) and directed by David Schwimmer, there was no way I could resist. I bought the tickets as soon as the play was announced."—Penny Pollack, dining editor
“I’m hoping to make it to the new exhibit at the Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, “Chicago’s Bauhaus Legacy,” which opens tonight. László Moholy-Nagy was an instructor at the Bauhaus, who came to Chicago (after the Bauhaus was dissolved by the Nazis) at the invitation of Walter Paepcke, the design-oriented chairman of the Container Corporation of America. The exhibit features work from Moholy-Nagy’s students, including some I’ve heard of (photographers Richard Nickel and Yasuhiro Ishimoto, architect Stanley Tigerman,), and many I haven’t.” —Whet Moser, associate digital editor
"I'm curious about The Music Box Theatre's Hitchcock 9 series. The theatre will be screening nine of the director's recently restored silent films all weekend—it's going on next week too. Though to be honest, this is a classic example of one of those events I would like to pretend I would go to, when in actuality I'm much more likely to sit at home and watch Bob's Burgers. —Tomi Obaro, assistant editor
“I’m going to see Aaron Carter at Northalsted Market Days. Isn't that really cool?”—Emmet Sullivan, senior editor
For more weekend events, check out our Chicago Guide.