Photo: Courtesy Make Music
The Rise & Shine orchestra in Daley Plaza this morning, part of the Make Music Festival happening all day today in Chicago.
“Tonight is Chicago's annual Summer Lovin party, featuring our most eligible Chicagoans. I'll be there toasting them and enjoying the food from the panoply of Chicago restaurants that will be there (Chicago Q, Taco Joint, RPM Italian, among others)." —Emmet Sullivan, senior editor.
“Both my daughters, but especially my three-year-old, love Monsters Inc. We’ve watched it so many times that the DVD is almost worn out—if that’s even possible—and we’ve been counting down the weeks (“Is it this week? Is it this week?”) till Monsters University hits theaters. Get ready, Evanston cineplex, here we come!” —David Bernstein, features editor.
“I’m going to check out some of the performances at Make Music Chicago, a one-day only bonanza of free music played by both professionals and amateurs. It’s part of a bigger movement that’s happening in a number of other cities too. The schedule is overwhelming, but I figure if I just sit in St. James Cathedral, where the grand finale is supposed to be, I’ll have a blast.” —Tomi Obaro, assistant editor.
“Saturday I'm driving to Caledonia to visit Angelic Organics, one of the coolest agriculture operations in the region. Their new learning center is hosting a farm day for kids: My toddler and I are going to milk a cow, make goat milk ice cream, and pick veggies. Summer is all about being outside!" —Cassie Walker Burke, executive editor.
"On Sunday, I’m taking my granddaughter to see The Cat in the Hat at the Emerald City Theatre. She is six, and I’m taking her in honor of her kindergarten graduation." —Penny Pollack, dining editor.
For more weekend events, check out our Chicago Guide.