When Harry Met Sally

For six years now, the Standard Club, 320 S. Plymouth Ct., has thrown an annual When Harry Met Sally event-a singles mixer with great food, good music, expensive drinks and, if you grew up on the North Shore or attended Latin or Parker, very familiar faces. Although I grew up in Rogers Park, I attended … Read more


Sarah is unpacking post-move; check back Monday for the scoop on the Standard Club’s When Harry Met Sally event this Friday.—–EXCERPT:

Moving Day

The movers are scheduled to arrive in two hours, and as I sit here typing in my almost-all-boxed-up bachelorette pad, I’m feeling a little nostalgic. And tired. What was supposed to be a low-key weekend turned into anything but.I had planned on staying in Friday night and chilling with a girlfriend and her new puppy, … Read more

Happy Valentine’s Day to Me

I pride myself on not being the bitter type; it’s just not in my nature to be a cynical, glass-is-half-empty kind of girl. Some might say I’m annoyingly optimistic (OK, I am), but when things don’t go exactly how I’d like in the love department, I find a way to either learn from it or … Read more

On the Block

For the past few years, I’ve been asked to participate in the Starlight Starbright Dream Date auction. Thrown by a children’s charity (the money raised goes toward bettering the lives of seriously ill kids), it’s something I’ve always wanted to be a part of, but I’m usually at the Grammys that weekend.This year I decided … Read more

The Rock-Star Lifestyle

Talk about partying like a rock star: I spent Saturday night at new nightspot Pharmacy (1450 W. Chicago Ave.), where a charity event benefiting the Chicago Music Commission featured photos by Rock Star Supernova bassist Johnny Colt and rock photo legend/CMC founder Paul Natkin. Pharmacy is still awaiting its liquor license; stay tuned for a … Read more

Art Drives Culture

My plan to watch the Super Bowl at State turned out great-well, with a couple of exceptions. The place was packed, and the energy level was at a major high. Even those who didn’t care about the game (although how could they not?) must have felt chills when everyone in the room chanted the Bears … Read more

Gamblin’ Woman

Whether it’s due to Bears celebrations or the bone-chilling weather, I haven’t been on my eight-nights-a-week nightlife schedule lately. To stave off an impending case of cabin fever, I hopped in a cab bound for Andersonville last Thursday to support some friends who run an art gallery, Estudiotres. My first thought: Andersonville? That’s so far … Read more

Super Sunday

I received a mass text message the other day that read: “Do you know what COLTS stands for? Count on Losing the Superbowl.” (I’m willing to forgive the sender’s misspelling of Super Bowl since COLTSB just doesn’t have the same ring.)I think it’s safe to say every red-blooded Chicagoan has the Bears on the brain … Read more

From One Bachelorette to Another

She’s baaaaack-and this time, she’s not appearing on a reality show.Jen Schefft, now 30 and Chicago’s most recognizable bachelorette, can add author to her r‚sum‚. Her first book, Better Single Than Sorry (William Morrow, $15), came out this past Tuesday. Since I’m living the better-single-than-sorry life myself, I decided to dig in-and what I found … Read more