Friday nights are toughies. You want to just relax after a hectic week, but you also feel like you should kick off the weekend by doing something fun. May we make a suggestion?
After work, check out Frank Lloyd Wright’s Robie House (5757 S. Woodlawn Ave.). Every Friday evening in April (and again in October), the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust throws open the doors to Wright’s iconic home for drinks, jazz music, and a chance to explore the rooms at your leisure.
This month, there’s an extra treat thanks to the Robie House’s new neighbor: the Seminary Co-op Bookstore. Each Friday you can catch a presentation by experts from the bookstore, either about its history (it was started 52 years ago by 17 booklovers who each invested $10), books, or architecture.
Tickets to After Hours at Robie House are $35 ($30 if you’re a member of the trust) and reservations are encouraged.