
A Babel of New Towers
by Nory Miller

Experiments in high-rise design transform Chicago’s skyline.

Murder on Main Street
by William Brashler
The baffling triple homicide in Fort Wayne, Indiana, may have revealed more about the community’s values than the suspect’s motives.

Post Time?
by Jack Star
If John Malone has his way, we’ll have a new newspaper before the year is out.

The Big Fix
by Judith Neisser
Thirty specialists in broken treasure can make it almost like new…and your mother need never know.

War Without Shooting
by Dean Starkman and David Jackson
Chicago’s soccer fields are the setting for the world’s oldest sport – international conflict.

Setting Your Investment Table
by Jerome Idaszak
The wrong investment can cost a lot more than choosing the wrong fork. Some counsel, plus a comprehensive chart, to help you avoid a financial faux pas

Uncommon Sense About Common Stocks
by Jon Ziomek
Pitfalls in the stock-market floor swallow up overeager bulls and bears. Here’s expert advice on threading your way past them.



by Henry Hanson
Mr. Washington goes to Washington; Upfront revealed as motorhead with taste for glitz; chariots of the gods near Ottawa, Illinois?

On the Aisle: The Odd Couple
by Claudia Cassidy
Baryshnikov and Twyla Tharp; some plays; the Don; some music

Opera: Now You’re Singin’ My Language
by Charlotte Moser

The Chicago Opera Theatre’s productions are grand – and in English.

Wine: France’s Hidden Bounty
by Patrick W. Fegan
The glory of Gaul doesn’t have to gouge your pocketbook.
Chicago As It Was: The Sky’s the Limit?
by Perry R. Duis
Before the Sears Tower, Big Stan, or even the Pru, there was the Montauk Block, ten controversial stories high.
Movies: Friends Before Family?
by Dave Kehr
Director Diane Kurys’s classically balanced new film is autobiography at its best.

Travel: A City of Centuries Past
by Carla and Allen Kelson
In Perugia, travelers encounter Roman and Etruscan antiquities as well as truffles and chocolate.

Audio: The Do-It-Yourself Alternative
by Rich Warren
There’s nothing like the pride of workmanship when it happens to be your own.
Books: Father was One Tough Mother

The perils of a Mafia princess: Sam Giancana gave his daughter everything, but still her heart was sad.

Roger Simon: Read No Further
When is a library not a library? When it’s a cultural center.

The Goods
by Jamie Gilson
Viennese desserts made easy, an unexpected collection of English antiques, a stocking-and-sox emporium, portable Burberrys, and custom-made boxes to send you packing

Dining on a Budget: Wat is This?
by Jill and Ron Rohde
What may be the city’s first Ethiopian restaurant offers a palette of flavors for your palate.

Dining on the Town: Dreams and Disapointments
by Carla and Allen Kelson
A few things to consider before you spend your hard-earned lire on a Northern Italian meal

The Best of Chicago: Memory Lane
by Michael Kiefer
A bowling alley on Southport offers a striking bit of city history.

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