Residents of this North Side area like to keep it real, so don’t tell them that their nabe might be the new Wicker Park or Logan Square. But they can’t ignore the young professionals and families trickling in, enticed by a neighborly feel and burgeoning restaurant scene that includes Honey Butter Fried Chicken, Kuma’s Corner, and hotter-than-hot Parachute (No. 2 on Chicago’s 2015 list of best new restaurants).
“This is a neighborhood where people will say good morning to you on the streets and where the owners of mom-and-pop shops will ask you about your day,” says freelance writer Ines Bellina, who moved in last year.
You’ve got to leave, however, if you want to go shopping for pretty much anything other than groceries. Also, 311 stays busy with calls about inconveniences such as malfunctioning streetlights, but residents say the 33rd Ward alderman, Deb Mell, is responsive, often returning calls herself. If you want to buy a two-flat and rent out a floor to subsidize your mortgage, you can get one for less than $400,000, closer to the heart of Logan Square than parts of Logan Square itself.