When top real estate agents want to move a listing fast, they call Cheri Kasella’s company because she’s quick and flexible (a warehouseful of furniture, art, and accessories is ready to set sail), and unlike many stagers, she doesn’t require a three-month minimum for renting the stuff. Kasella will also recommend paint colors and rearrange your own furniture to appeal to buyers. A two-day whole-house overhaul starts at $1,500.
How to: Create a more peaceful bedroom

“Choose light-colored bedding in cotton or linen, which is cool in summer and cozy in winter, and a soft, soothing blue or green for the walls.

“Make sure you have different light sources, including reading lights and mood lighting.

“Move out computers, TVs, and other electronics so you can truly unplug. At the very least, put them in a closet or armoire where you can’t see them.” —Cheri Kasella, owner of Haven Home Staging and Redesign