Coffee Lab
Tables are perfectly sized for you, your laptop, and a little tray of snacks. Bonus: Plentiful surge protectors mean an outlet for everyone. 2823 N. Lincoln Ave., Lake View, bcbccoffeelab.com

Four Letter Word
The strong Turkish-style coffee offers a concentrated caffeine boost (there’s also smooth drip and espresso drinks). If you start to get jittery, try the draft CBD-infused kombucha from Kombuchade. 3022 W. Diversey Ave., Logan Square, 4lwcoffee.com

Bridgeport Coffee
If you come during the week, you’ll be surrounded by that most coveted of clientele: people who are being quiet because they’re actually working. 3101 S. Morgan St., Bridgeport, bridgeportcoffee.net

DropShot Coffee & Snack Bar
Whimsical vintage sports decor helps you envision the fresh air and freedom that await once you’ve finished your day’s toil. A plus: Coffee and tea flow until 9 p.m. 312 W. Chestnut St., Near North Side, fieldhousejones.com