Sleek shelves filled with rows of cult-fave cosmetics lend this spot the vibe of a modern art museum gift shop. But it’s the experiences that fans flock to like tweens to a BTS show: For $30, a pro will administer a seven-step regimen tailored to your complexion. 1872 N. Damen Ave., Bucktown, dear72.com

One visit to this bright and shiny shop, where products from 100-plus nontoxic brands line glossy countertops and staff members trained as aestheticians dispense BS-free advice, and you’ll never use the word “crunchy” to describe clean beauty again. 1659 N. Damen Ave., Bucktown, credobeauty.com

Merz Apothecary
Beauty junkies seeking an Alice-down-the-rabbit-hole experience need only set foot in this Euro-style apothecary, which dates back to 1875. The original location (the other one’s downtown) is full of makeup and grooming products so fresh even millennials will feel the hype. 4716 N. Lincoln Ave., Lincoln Square, merzapothecary.com