You may still see some boarded-up storefronts, but one new spot has proved that the Midwest’s most coveted shopping strip is still relevant. The RealReal, an online consignment boutique, opened its biggest brick-and-mortar store there in October, and though it looks and feels like a ur-trendy department store, you can be reliably sure that your favorite Balenciagas and Burberrys are on the racks for as much as 90 percent off retail. Don’t miss the ticker tape downstairs providing the real-time market value of cult-favorite kicks or the expert gemologists and horologists upstairs. Art, jewelry, clothing for all, accessories, furniture, and even a café come together in 12,000 square feet of pure fashion pleasure. 940 N. Michigan Ave., Gold Coast

Retro Nike sneakers, $700

Tiffany & Co. platinum and diamond necklace, $54,000

Hermès shoulder bag, $13,000