1 Dan Ryan Woods

87th Street and Western Avenue, Beverly
The forest preserve is home to one of the highest points in the metro area. So enjoy the panoramic skyline before plunging down the 200-foot hillside.
2 Techny Prairie Park and Fields

1700 Techny Rd., Northbrook
This poshest of inclines has a warming house, lights for night sledding, and stairs, all of which makes lugging kiddos and gear up its 26 feet feel like less of a Sisyphean chore.
3 Cricket Hill at Montrose Harbor

601 W. Montrose Ave., Buena Park
Sledding isn’t technically allowed, but that doesn’t stop the North Siders who throng to this steep run, just west of the soccer field. You can sled down any side, so waits are virtually nonexistent.

4 Soldier Field

1410 S. Museum Campus Dr., Near South Side
You don’t need to worry about the weather cooperating — as long as the temp is below 40, a snow machine powders the 35-foot hill on the southeast side of the stadium.
5 Humboldt Park

1400 N. Sacramento Ave., Humboldt Park
Boasting lovely views, this modest hill west of the field house is perfect for the smallest sledders. Tip: Aim your ride north, lest you run into the beach or traffic.