STRUMmable art
Ian Schneller, who runs the Chicago School of Guitar Making, carves a place on your wish list with his handcrafted electric instruments, like the Electrolele, a made-to-order mahogany beauty. $5,800. specimenproducts.com

woodsy wear
The Tie Bar’s Long Weekend silk bandannas, a collaboration with Camp Wandawega, evoke the kind of forest hike vibes you experience on, well, a long weekend at that Wisconsin resort. $39 each. thetiebar.com

Third-generation jewelry designer Dana Rebecca created her first collection at 16. These Teddi Paige diamond and 14-karat gold floral earrings are among her latest sparkling achievements. $2,420. danarebeccadesigns.com

pack a punch
This revival of Cohasset Punch, first produced by a Chicago saloon in 1899, is the rich, complex, and stone-fruit-laden liqueur that a long winter’s night begs for. $30. binnys.com

simply charmed
Chicago-born designer Alicia Goodwin’s Lingua Nigra metalwork is inspired by nature and ancient talismans. These Lavender in Bloom earrings dangle intrigue. $335. MCA Store, 220 E. Chicago Ave. mcachicagostore.org

perfect timing
Chase Fancher dialed back his career in real estate to focus on watchmaking. His latest Oak & Oscar timepiece is the Atwood, a flyback chronograph inspired by the 19th-century Chicago architect Charles Bowler Atwood. $2,450. oakandoscar.com

mix and match
This print of matchbooks from favorite local establishments will strike up conversation — and take you on a stroll down supper-club memory lane. $32. meet-your-matches.com

solid build
Structured playtime is a given with these Wanderlust blocks modeled on Chicago’s iconic skyscrapers. The hand-carved natural wood is infused with felt that’s made with recycled plastic for an earth-friendly spin. $30. once-kids.com

The popularity of the vessels at Three Dots and a Dash, like this toucan one, led the cocktail lounge to start selling them. Bonus points if you can get the bartender to whisper you a recipe. $75. threedotschicago.com

Clue Perfumery’s childhood-friend founders, Laura Oberwetter and Caleb Vanden Boom, returned to the lab to create the Point. The aroma: jasmine tea brewed with ocean water. The effect: intoxicating. $140. clueperfumery.com

sweet sensations
Chocolat Uzma’s bonbons ($19 for six) and marshmallows ($10 each) are inspired by owner Uzma Sharif’s South Asian heritage. Consider your palate’s passport stamped. 917 W. 18th St. chocolat-uzma.com

clay mates
Ceramicist Jennifer Chan does saggar firing, a slow-to-accelerated kiln-temperature technique, to produce organic-looking creations like spoons ($48 for two) and bowls ($26 each). Vase & Vessel, 5135 N. Clark St. vaseandvessel.com