Whitney White
- Actress
- Age: 26
- From: Lake View
- Lives in: Ukranian Village
This drama queen got her start at Court Theatre and on other stages, and she’s also been spotted on the small screen—recent credits include parts in NBC’s The Playboy Club and FX’s Louie. But White’s interests have never been one-note: She studied poli-sci at Northwestern; sings rock, musical theatre, and soul; speaks fluent French, picked up in Paris; ghostwrites self-help books for women; and loves a Big Star taco. “A lot of things capture my attention,” she says. “When I was growing up, as long as I was a good student, I was free to get into anything.”
In the market for: Someone fit and polite who, ideally, loves Star Trek as much as this self-professed sci-fi nerd does.
Conversation starter: Her college band, Funk in the Trunk.