Photo: Courtesy of Buccellati
Buccellati earrings
ART & CRAFT At the Chicago Tribune North Michigan Avenue Art Festival (July 5 to 7; 435 N. Michigan Ave., artfestival.com), you’ll find anything from a $25 set of handmade earrings to a $50,000 life-size sculpture. . . . Amble through the Chicago Botanic Garden Art Festival (July 6 and 7; 1000 Lake Cook Rd., Glencoe, amdurproductions.com), where 85 artists will showcase their work.
HOME DECOR From vintage china to garden gnomes, the revered Kane County Flea Market (July 6 and 7; 525 S. Randall Rd., Saint Charles, kanecountyfleamarket.com) features curios from hundreds of dealers.
JEWELRY High-end Italian jeweler Buccellati opens its first Chicago store in mid-June, joining Christian Louboutin in the old Esquire Theater space (62 E. Oak St.).
MENSWEAR & WOMEN’S WEAR From July 19 to August 4, Nordstrom slashes prices—by triple digits for some big-ticket items—on selected new fall merchandise (all stores, including 55 E. Grand Ave., and nordstrom.com).
WOMEN’S WEAR Local clothing, jewelry, and accessories designers and indie boutiques converge on Daley Plaza for the Chicago Sidewalk Sale (July 23 and 24; cityofchicago.org/dcase). . . . At the Drake (140 E. Walton St.), traveling soiree Sassy City Chicks (July 28; sassycitychicks.com) offers discounted apparel and accessories and free spa services courtesy of Gloria L. Williams, manicurist to stars such as Oprah and Lady Gaga. Admission ($40) includes a swag bag and two drinks.