1 The Forgotten Ones
Who would have guessed that peaceful Read Dunning Memorial Park sits on 38,000 graves? Today a memorial plaque marks the resting place of patients of the tuberculosis hospital and insane asylum that once stood on the site — the remains were a chilling discovery for unwitting developers. Belle Plaine and Neenah Avenues, Dunning
2 The girl Vanishes
The charming glass-enclosed sculpture of a girl named Inez Clarke (at least according to an inscription at the statue’s base, just above the tombstone) is a Graceland Cemetery favorite — especially since she’s rumored to leave the case and wander the grounds. And yet cemetery records reveal that no one by that name was ever buried here. A girl of many mysteries! 4001 N. Clark St., Uptown
3 A Mausoleum Mystery
Thousands are still buried under Lincoln Park, which occupies land that was once the Chicago City Cemetery, yet only one tomb is visible aboveground: that of hotelier Ira Couch, whose remains are said to reside inside with those of other family members, though exactly how many is a secret sealed behind a rusted door. 2045 N. Lincoln Park West, Lincoln Park
4 The Italian Bride
Julia Buccola’s grave in Mount Carmel Cemetery features two photos: one from her wedding day and one from the day her body was exhumed. Her mother had nightmares that Julia was buried alive, and when the casket was opened after six years, her body looked perfectly preserved. 1400 S. Wolf Rd., Hillside
5 Showmen’s Rest
Five elephant sculptures guard a plot of departed circus performers in Woodlawn Cemetery. The animals’ trunks are lowered in mourning for 56 victims of a gruesome 1918 circus train accident. 7750 Cermak Rd., Forest Park
6 The Largest Mass Grave in the Western Hemisphere
Oak Woods Cemetery is home to the remains of more than 4,000 Confederate soldiers who perished at Camp Douglas, an immense, disease-ridden prisoner-of-war camp described as “80 acres of hell.” A 30-foot granite monument marks the mound of earth where the dead were interred. 1035 E. 67th St., Grand Crossing
7 Chicago’s Smallest Cemetery
A defunct scrap yard is the final resting place of a veteran of the Battle of Waterloo. You can spot the grave of Andreas von Zirngibl, protected by concrete blocks amid the rusting machinery, from the Ewing Avenue Bridge, in the shadow of the Skyway. 93rd Court and Ewing Avenue, East Side