In the middle of the 1970s, the Environmental Protection Agency embarked on a remarkable artistic experiment: the department hired dozens of photographers across the country to "document subjects of environmental concern." One of those photographers was John H. White, a Daily News photojournalist who would go on to join the staff of the Chicago Sun-Times in 1978 and win the Pulitzer Prize in 1982.
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Mother and Child, 12th Street Beach, August 1973
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Family at 12th Street Beach, August 1973
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Children playing outside the Ida B. Wells Homes, May 1973
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Young man at a South Side community program, August 1973
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Guitarist at Lake Meadows Shopping Center, August 1973
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Band performing at Lake Meadows Shopping Center, August 1973
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Kids at Robert Taylor Homes, June 1973
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Woman at 12th Street Beach, August 1973
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Kids at an "Open Air Fashion and Talent Show," 5440 South Princeton Avenue, August 1973
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Kids at an "Open Air Fashion and Talent Show," 5440 South Princeton Avenue, August 1973
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Sidewalk merchandise on the South Side, June 1973
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Snow cone vendor, June 1973
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Kids playing basketball at Stateway Gardens, May 1973
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Kids at Stateway Gardens, May 1973
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Mother and Child, August 1973
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Artist Ron Blackburn painting a mural at 33rd and Giles, June 1973
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Street scenes, West Side (left) and South Side (right), June 1973
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Swimming at 12th Street Beach, August 1973
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Neighbors on the West Side, June 1973
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Washington Park cookout, July 1973
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South Side fruit and vegetable vendor, June 1973
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12th Street Beach, August 1973
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Motorcycle, West Side, June 1973
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Left: Mother and child, South Side, June 1973; Right: Girl on West Side, June 1973
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Young girl, July 1973
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12th Street Beach, August 1973
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Teen at Robert Taylor Homes, May 1973
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Workers playing checkers, May 1973
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Father and son at Wrigley Field outdoor worship service during the Jehova's Witness Annual Convention, July 1973
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Girls cooling off in Woodlawn, June 1973
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Kids at South Side community talent show, August 1973
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Wall mural, 35th Street, July 1973
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Stateway Gardens, May 1973
John H. White/EPA Documerica/U.S. National Archives