The people of Dixon and the horse world grapple with how well they may have actually even known Rita Crundwell. While she serves her sentence, Crundwell begins writing to a man named John who lives near Dixon, who reached out to her initially to say he felt her sentence was harsher than her crime. Crundwell asks that he petition on her behalf to reduce her sentence, and he begins writing letters to Attorney General William Barr and the prison warden to end her sentence early. Crundwell and John began a regular email correspondence that feels somewhat romantic. During the COVID pandemic, she requests and is granted release to finish her sentence at home because of the crowding that made social distancing difficult in prisons. But after her release, her communication with John dwindles and ends — leaving one more person wondering how well they really knew Rita Crundwell.
Listen to previous episodes here:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7