No-Shave November, an annual effort to raise awareness for cancer by asking men to put away the Gillette for 30 days, officially starts Sunday. Are you looking to get inspired for the no-shave nonsense to come? Consider these Chicagoans and their whiskers. Who do you think rocks the best beard?
Jake Arrieta

The Cubs player gained a lot of fans during the recent post-season, but his pitching wasn't the only thing to garner attention. See this headline on "Is Jake Arrieta's beard the only thing better than his curveball?"
Paul McGee
You can easily spot McGee behind the bar at his Logan Square hotspot Lost Lake thanks to his long, bushy look.
Hebru Brantley
Chicago's hip-hop art star has been sporting this look for years.
Matt Slauson

How does the Bears offensive lineman fit that under his helmet's chinstrap?
Jonathan Toews

You can't put together a list of best beards in the city without acknowledging the sterling effort of the Chicago Blackhawks. While a few of the most notably bearded members from the 2015 season now play elsewhere—looking at you, Patrick Sharp and Brandon Saad—team captain Jonathan Toews remains, for those who like just a bit of scruff.
Scott Darling

Okay, one more Blackhawks player. Because why not.