This year, I joined a Chicago beach volleyball team. The games at North Avenue Beach have been a fun experience — sometimes with unexpected challenges.

First, focusing on work is hard on game days. The closer the start of the game gets, the more volleyball appears on my mind.

To reach the beach in time, I need to take at least one busy Chicago street during rush hour; adrenaline surge guaranteed.

Once there, I need to find the right court. Hundreds of enthusiastic people frolic around, along with countless volleyballs. A risky undertaking.

While we calmly pass the ball and my feet comfortably sink into the sand, I secretly gauge the opponent’s skills. Not easy when most of them only catch up or just arrive.

As soon as the game starts, I realize the main challenge isn’t the opponent — it’s the sand beneath my feet.

I move in slow motion as if wading through molasses. My jumps are futile, and the shifting sand throws me off balance, causing frequent net tangles whenever I try to block. A decent play is barely possible.

Some courts are so close to Lake Michigan’s shoreline, that half the time I wonder if saving a ball is worth taking a plunge.

And there always seem to be a few very dark clouds passing by. You need to keep an eye on these, because sudden downpours turn the beach into an instant rush of hundreds of people scrambling for shelter.

Win or lose, wet from sweat, the lake, or rain, we always end up along the shoreline. While other teams battle it out, we enjoy a drink, admire the incredible Chicago skyline, and look forward to next week’s challenges.