With the campaign season heating up, the Obama books keep coming. The latest: The Escape Artists: How Obama’s Team Fumbled the Recovery, by The New Republic's senior editor Noam Scheiber, published this week by Simon & Schuster. As is the case in most Obama-related books, one of the most entertaining characters is Rahm Emanuel... Read more
Exciting races in the upcoming March 20 primary are scarce, so the race for the Cook County Circuit Court Clerk between three-term incumbent Dorothy Brown and Ricardo Muñoz, alderman of the 22nd Ward since 1993 is, in relative terms, the Romney-Santorum fistfight of Cook County. Tuesday night, the two Dems appeared at a forum sponsored by the 43rd Ward Democrats and moderated by Andy Shaw... Read more
A source close to the senator told me this morning that McCain, who chairs the board of the International Republican Institute—Sam LaHood heads the Cairo office of that NGO—is “leading a congressional delegation” next week, visiting Egypt and other countries in the region. Will the Arizona senator emerge from the trip as a hero and statesman?... Read more
The former inspector general and public-service vet took a position at Sidley Austin, and a teaching gig at the University of Chicago, after losing to Alexi Giannoulias in 2010. But don't count him out of public service for good. Read more
With Senator Mark Kirk in recovery following a three-hour surgery resulting from a weekend stroke, his ex-wife—whose amicable divorce from Kirk was finalized in 2009—described the 52-year-old junior senator as being “into politics, 500 percent,” and rarely slowing down to take care of himself... Read more
I just finished reading Jodi Kantor’s The Obamas, and I think I’ve figured out why Michelle Obama is so steamed, why she groused to The Early Show’s Gayle King that she is tired of being portrayed as “some kind of angry black woman.” The First Lady recognizes that her husband will probably run against Mitt Romney, and thus, she herself will be stuck “running” against the warm, blonde, seemingly flawless Ann Romney... Read more
After resigning as Chief of Staff, Bill Daley's D.C. record takes another hit as the president announces that Daley's old department, Commerce, will be axed in the service of paring down the federal bureaucracy. Read more