The key mistake in the government’s case against Rod Blagojevich happened right at the start of the trial, during jury selection, with the choice of a juror who ultimately became the sole vote siding with the ex-gov on key counts of the indictment. Sources say the holdout juror, an African-American retired state worker who had worked for the Illinois Department of Public Health, should have been dismissed... Read more
The father-and-son defense team that represented Rod Blagojevich in the ex-gov’s corruption case is likely to bow out before the retrial, according to a prominent veteran defense lawyer in town who knows the Adams well. My source, whom I interviewed after closing arguments in the case in late July... Read more
Yesterday, I ran excerpts of my conversation with Kirk’s ex-wife, Kimberly Vertolli, in which she discussed the “Svengali figure” behind his campaign, Dodie McCracken. Here, Vertolli offers her take on what would seem to be Kirk’s perplexingly unnecessary exaggerations. She adds that, despite some missteps in his campaign, in the race between Kirk and Giannoulias, she would vote for her ex... Read more
After the closing arguments on Tuesday, I called a prominent defense lawyer in town whom I’ve known for decades. He asked not to be identified, but his insights are worth sharing as jurors begin deliberating today in the corruption trial of Rod Blagojevich. Caveat: His experience, legal acumen, and street smarts are from years of working as a criminal defense attorney... Read more
The Blagojevich defense opened its case Monday with the ex-gov’s older-by-16-months brother, Robert Blagojevich, testifying on behalf of Rod (and also himself—Rob is the alleged middle man in the plot to sell Barack Obama’s Senate seat). Rob, 54, said on the stand that the siblings were close growing up, but they... Read more
"Quite frankly, it’s [Blagojevich’s] case, and it’s the high stakes that he’s facing, so he certainly runs the show on many of these things," says Aaron Goldstein, the youngest—and arguably the most effective—member of Blago's defense team. Read more