As summer’s last hurrah approaches, consider a quick and easy last-minute excursion to South Bend’s Art Beat, where hundreds of visual, performing, and culinary artists will be plying their wares al fresco throughout the downtown area from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, August 28th... Read more
Back in ye olden days, the notion of “open-air Shakespeare” was redundant: In Elizabethan England, all theater was performed outdoors. Al fresco Shakespeare endures, and few places take it outside more skillfully than the American Players Theatre in Spring Green, Wisconsin. At APT’s theatre on the hill Read more
If the pace of the city has you stressing, consider a break in Mount Carroll (about two-and-a-half hours from the Loop). This isn’t a one-stoplight town—it’s a no stoplight town. Its one-street, cobblestone business district just 10 miles east of the Great River Road Bike Trail, is home to several... Read more
Summer in Michigan’s Harbor Country is a no-brainer: Al fresco concerts, restaurants, beaches, boats, wineries, and galleries define the Michigan shoreline from Michiana to Sawyer. Here’s a quartet of lakeside events and attractions worth the drive this weekend... Read more
If you’re a golfer, you probably already know that the 92nd Annual PGA Championship runs August 9th through 15th on the Whistling Straits course at the Kohler Resort in Kohler, Wisconsin. Got $79,000 to burn? You might be able to still get a skybox overlooking the breathtaking 18th hole... Read more
Driving the stretch between Fennville and the outskirts of Allegan, Michigan, you feel as though you’re in the dusty middle of just about nowhere. When the Castle in the Country suddenly looms like a giant, lavender dollhouse on this stretch of Highway 40, it seems like a mirage. It’s not... Read more