Exotic animals and plants are crisscrossing the globe as never before. Many of these unwelcome species have found their way to the Chicago area and are wreaking havoc on our local ecosystem. Read more
Hillary Clinton might be the Dems' presidential front-runner, but the trip to the White House makes a stop in Obama Country. Can the hometown girl beat the state's favorite son on what's now his home turf? Read more
Every time ABC runs an episode of its hit TV series Lost, Evanston's Jeffrey Lieber gets an onscreen credit and his bank account gets a nice pop. But the twisting tale of his Hollywood triumph has left Lieber feeling a bit ... well, lost. Read more
When a Chicago call girl turned up dead, it didn't take police long to zero in on her killer. But the case also sheds light on the growing, hidden, and largely lawless world of online prostitution Read more
A legal dispute over the rights to some of Kanye West’s earliest recordings sounds a sour note on the local hip-hop scene—and offers a glimpse of a young unknown bound for megastardom.
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