There’s only one man in Illinois with the money and political influence to rout Pritzker’s agenda — and that man, Ken Griffin, had a very good Election Day. Read more
The pronunciation of our fair city by the lake is a matter of local controversy — and like anywhere else, regional speech is giving way to national speech. Read more
George Ryan once gave up the job to become lieutenant governor, an office so worthless his predecessor had quit out of boredom. What changed? Read more
IL-14 was designed as a Republican “vote sink” to corral as many red votes as possible into a single district. Then, a promising young Democrat won it. Read more
Nobody in Chicago seems to like it. But as DOT boss, Emanuel would occupy a post so far removed from ideological policymaking that Obama filled it with a Republican. Read more
It's a testament to the broken trust between Springfield and voters that the bluest state in the Midwest couldn't pass a graduated income tax. Read more
Illinois Republicans are pouring millions into the fight to oust Justice Thomas Kilbride — and they don't even have a candidate on the ballot. Read more
Illinois is one of a handful of states with laws protecting both abortion and same-sex marriage. But Barrett, who for years has worked in Chicago, could change plenty about the city.
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