Custom Placements: City Life Lead 1
Jacob deGrom Is Chasing the Greatest Cubs Pitcher Ever
Mordecai “Three Finger” Brown set the ERA mark to beat in the National League (and won a couple World Series).
The Survivor
She’s helped rebuild the lives of scores of sexual exploitation victims. Now a new memoir from activist Brenda Myers-Powell reveals that her strength lies in having endured the unimaginable herself.
Why Chicago’s Grid Is a Model of Perfect Urban Order
Out of 100 major world cities, Chicago “exhibits the closest approximation of a single perfect grid.” It’s not quite the City of Light, but it befits our city.
Summer is Back!
This year, the pleasures of the season are that much sweeter. Make a lip-smacking potato salad, party on a boat, and stuff your face with soft serve. You’ve earned it!
Take a Hike Then Grab a Beer With One of These Perfect Pairings
Play in the woods, then have a brew nearby.
How Stephen A. Douglas Put Chicago On the Map (and Ruined His Career)
Most famous for getting beat by Abraham Lincoln, the senator’s other local legacy is making Chicago the railroad hub of America—at immense cost.
Why the Classic Chicago Accent is Disappearing
Integration, and the cultural changes that come with it, have changed the way Chicagoans (and Michiganders, and Upstate New Yorkers) talk.
‘Revolutionary Hillbilly’ Hy Thurman on His New Memoir
A Tennessee native, Thurman co-founded the Young Patriots, a group of poor white Appalachian migrants that organized in Uptown in the 1960s, became part of the original Rainbow Coalition, and changed politics in Chicago forever.