Five Things to Do: March 7-9

1. All Around Views  In honor of Chicago’s 188th birthday, residents can visit the 360 Chicago observation deck for free atop the John Hancock Center (875 North Michigan Avenue, if you must). Valid ID with a 606xx zip code or Chicago Public School IDs are required. March 5-7. 2. Look What You Kendo The … Read more

Why Is Thin-Crust Pizza Known in Chicago as “Tavern Style”?

Tavern style pizza from Pat’s Pizza

Chicago’s first pizzeria, Granato’s, opened in 1924 on Taylor Street, but pizza did not become popular among the local masses until the early ’40s, after the end of Prohibition. It was served mostly in taverns, often as an enticement to drink alcohol. Possibly because taverns were not usually equipped with silverware or plates, the owners … Read more