When it first opened in 2015, Band of Bohemia pronounced itself a “culinary brewhouse.” Except, one issue: The food didn’t quite live up to the astoundingly good beers. (Brewer Michael Carroll was, in a previous life, the head baker at Alinea, so he knows his way around yeast.) Since then, however, the kitchen has grown up enough to earn the place a Michelin star, the only brewpub in the country to receive that honor.
Band of Bohemia, which occupies a soaring and lavishly appointed brick-and-steel-beam space opposite the Metra tracks, continues to shine under new head chef Ian Davis, who has mastered subtle pairings, such as an intricately layered carrot lasagna married with a malty-sweet Bruja ale that’s perked up with orange zest and beets. Finally, the food’s as good as what you’re drinking. In fact, it may even be better.