recently opened its first Midwest location, providing a new resource for expecting parents in Chicago. “We’re less of a baby store and more of a new-parent store,” says giggle founder and CEO, Ali Wing. With a mission to help urban parents, giggle tries to find products that solve city problems such as..." /> recently opened its first Midwest location, providing a new resource for expecting parents in Chicago. “We’re less of a baby store and more of a new-parent store,” says giggle founder and CEO, Ali Wing. With a mission to help urban parents, giggle tries to find products that solve city problems such as..." /> recently opened its first Midwest location, providing a new resource for expecting parents in Chicago. “We’re less of a baby store and more of a new-parent store,” says giggle founder and CEO, Ali Wing. With a mission to help urban parents, giggle tries to find products that solve city problems such as..." />
Laughing Stock
Selling baby furniture, bedding, toiletries, toys, clothing, and more under one roof, giggle (2116 N. Halsted St.; 773-296-6228, recently opened its first Midwest location, providing a new resource for expecting parents in Chicago. “We’re less of a baby store and more of a new-parent store,” says giggle founder and CEO, Ali Wing. With a mission to help urban parents, giggle tries to find products that solve city problems such as... Read more

The sales just keep getting better and better. Interior designers Tom Stringer, Shea Soucie, Martin Horner, Marshall Erb, and Frank Ponterio are all participating in a sale of their private collections of furnishings, fixtures, and home accessories. An invitation-only preview event will take place on April 29, then the sale continues from April 30 to May 3 (Thursday, 10AM to 6PM; Friday and Saturday, 10AM to 5PM; Sunday, noon to 5PM) at 372 W. Ontario St., ground Floor. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Infant Welfare Society.

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That faithful but realistic subset of Chicagoans known as Cubs fans celebrated the dawn of a second century of loserdom Friday at the 101st Annual Next Year Day (as in “maybe next year”) at Harry Caray’s Tavern. The blues legend Lonnie Brooks and the band Del Crustaceans entertained the crowd, who premedicated in advance of the Cubs’ April 6th season opener in Houston with a Champagne toast at midnight. We sent our photographer into the heart of Wrigleyville to document the bash. Read more

Vince Vaughn had The Break-Up with the River North townhome he bought Four Christmases ago, and now he’s trying to rent the four-bedroom crib for five hundy short of ten grand—that’s right, swing $9,500 a month and you’re money, baby. Rubloff is handling the deal, and a real estate agent said that it’s available furnished, “if you want the Vince Vaughn effect.” Looking at the slide show makes me wonder what that would be, other than mismatched, oddly proportioned furniture placed randomly around, flat-screens everywhere you look, and a cramped viewing room painted tomato-soup red floor-to-ceiling. Is that the Vince Vaughn effect? I do like those Western campground paintings he has over the bed, though, and that is a sweet view from the roof top terrace. 

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