Fantasy sports has made me a cold, hard judge of my favorite teams. But they've also made me more empathetic—a necessity, as the crippled Bears slouch towards a disappointing end. Read more
Evidence of progress from the annals of airline crash statistics. Plus: why Alec Baldwin should have put his cell phone away, and why reading about airline disasters or pretending that I'm in a Galaxie 500 video makes me feel safer. Read more
To head off a second Days of Rage when the G-8 and NATO come to town in 2011, Rahm Emanuel proposes to hike protest fees... just like the first Mayor Daley did. But at 1968 prices, $1000 is practically a bargain. Read more
In 2009, a Chicago dentist went to prison after pleading guilty to laundering money for a Detroit pimp who used Kimmel's apartment, cars, and dental office. The pimp was put away for 25 years. Dr. Gary Kimmel is out, and wants his old job back. Read more
You may or may not agree with the old adage that the best things in life are free. But here’s one freebie that might tip the scales. The Rebuilding Exchange... Read more
SOUND GARDEN: The musician partners with Specimen's Ian Schneller for their latest collaboration, a beguiling universe where art and indie rock collide Read more