Rahm sold out the Hilton Chicago Hotel’s International Ballroom Monday for a speech before the Economic Club. On the dais surrounded by such captains of industry as Lester Crown, Thomas Wilson, Gregory Wasson, Glenn Tilton, the newish mayor started out shaky, occasionally flubbing his lines, his voice rising to resemble his predecessor’s. His reception by the black-tie members of the club and their guests, was chilly at first... Read more
Top five things to do this week: Vampire reindeer or White Christmas? Your choice … plus, The Bad Plus, an all-out Hanukkah jam, and what Eighth Blackbird’s Tim Munro is up to this weekend Read more
Join us here, Wednesday, December 14th at 2 p.m., for a live chat with our new editor in chief, Beth Fenner. With her first issue hitting newsstands Thursday, come discuss upcoming changes to Chicago, what you want to see from the magazine, and how we can impact the city moving forward. Read more
Stephanie Walker lost a home to foreclosure, but in the aftermath, she found her voice. She has blogged about it and put out an e-book about it. And on Sunday, a group of actors at Victory Gardens Theater performed a staged reading of American Home, her play about it... Read more
As the holidays near, some of us might find ourselves pondering families, both functional and dys-... Read more