“It was a frustration shared among female cyclists in Chicago. My friends and I got to talking about how we were treated at bicycle shops and also out on the street riding: Guys assumed that we didn’t know how to work on our bikes if we looked at all girly. Read more
Think luxury hotel and you don’t generally think of a shanty perched on a foundation of wall-to-wall ice. But the chilly sport of ice fishing—and its attendant one-room shelters—is getting a makeover in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Welcome to the world of ice-fishing luxe, where the coldest thing in the shack is the Champagne... Read more
Mango (1995–2000) was one of those restaurants that everyone liked while it was open and loved after it closed. George Guggeis, who owned Mango, is back a decade later and 40 miles to the west. Bistro One West, his converted factory space on the banks of the Fox River, will boast a similar American bistro–style, which gives his chef, Trattoria No. 10’s Doug D’Avico, room to flex some muscle. Read more
At Japanese restaurants, we know the drill: ginger, wasabi, a baby pitcher of soy sauce, and a little dish to mix your own concoction of same. But at Arami, there’s a sizable polished stone in that little dish, and it takes up about half the real estate available for your dipping sauce. Read more